About Us


GACRES - Gestione Acque Canali Reno Savena

Via della Grada n. 12, - 40122 - BOLOGNA
051.521025 - 051.5280238

Gestione Acque Canali Reno Savena (G.A.C.R.E.S.)

GESTIONE ACQUE CANALI RENO E SAVENA (G.A.C.R.E.S.) is a limited liability company with registered office in Via della Grada 12, Bologna. The company is instrumental to the actions of the Consorzi dei Canali di Reno e Savena in Bologna and carries out its activities in the interest of the consortia themselves. The organisational choice of the consortia was to establish the company as a shared resource. The choice is based on a desire to create a single context where the skills and abilities acquired by the company in carrying out the activities for one consortium member can be profitable and mutually beneficial even to the other members, thus creating virtuous organisational and operational synergies.

The company is considered by the consortia to be the sole manager and operational arm of the decisions taken by the consortium. The company's purpose is, first of all, to carry out the activities covered by the agreement stipulated between the Area Agency for the public services of Bologna and the three consortia on 28 October 2008, one having the purpose of regulating the relations between the consortia themselves, as owners of private works suitable for collecting and regulating most of the rainwater and runoff from the city of Bologna, Casalecchio di Reno and Castel Maggiore, and the bodies responsible for the integrated public service; secondly, the company undertakes to carry out the activities determined by the agreement stipulated between the consortia and the operator of the integrated public service, namely HERA SpA, and signed on 8 October 2009 to regulate the operational relationship.

The company therefore has the purpose of safeguarding, monitoring, cleaning and preserving the ancient Casalecchio and San Ruffillo Dams and related works, the Reno and Savena Canals, all other canals and consortia waterworks as well as any other related artefact; executing all related ordinary and extraordinary maintenance for everything falling under its responsibility; acting as water police. The company undertakes to concentrate most of its activities to the advantage of its shareholders, whose prior consent is necessary for those special and justified cases in which the company performs work for third parties.


More specifically, the company's purpose is to carry out the following activities:

  • Operation and maintenance of the networks owned by the consortia with the function of draining and collecting rainwater.
  • Transport of water from the Casalecchio Dam to supply the Navile, Ghisiliera and Savena Abbandonato Canals to revitalise the urban underground and support the low flow rates of the aforementioned watercourses, also with a view to improving the drainage conditions of the IDAR, Trebbo and Casette di Cadriano water treatment plants managed by the Integrated Water Service. The Savena Abbandonato is fed by the Moline Canal through the Chiavica of Via Capo di Lucca, introducing water into the Reno 75 pipeline.
  • Use of water coming from the Reno and Savena canals to wash the public city sewerage networks with the bottom drains present in the consortium network, which are connected thereto. This also supplements and replaces the washing services provided by tankers and carried out by the Integrated Water Service.
  • Flood lamination of the mixed sewerage system of the Municipality of Bologna through 18 (eighteen) flood drains crossed by rainwater conveyed by the mixed sewerage system owned by the municipality, currently under the management of the Integrated Water Service. These drains are present in the Reno Canal, the Moline Canal, the Cavaticcio and the Savena Canal.
  • Collection of water from the hill basins, which increases the outflows into the consortium water system and is therefore partially useful to ensure the benefits referred to in the previous point.
  • Transfer of excess water from the Casalecchio Dam to supply the Cavaticcio hydroelectric plant.
  • Transport of water from Savena stream to the small lake in Bologna's Giardini Margherita.
  • Transport of water derived from the Casalecchio and San Ruffillo Dams.
  • Monitoring and supervision of sections covered by public roads.
  • Monitoring and supervision of courtyards and private or public buildings whose maintenance is entrusted to the licensees.
  • Irrigation (residual activity mainly related to distribution to farms).
  • Distribution of water for various uses.

The company is expressly prohibited from collecting savings from the public or purchasing from or selling to the public financial instruments regulated by the T.U.I.F. (Consolidated Act on financial brokerage) (Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 dated 24/2/1998), or acquiring shareholdings, granting financing in any form whatsoever, providing payment services or foreign exchange intermediation or any other activity with respect to the public as referred to in art. 106 T.U.L.B. (Consolidated Law on Banking) (Italian Legislative Decree no. 385 dated 1/9/1993).

Any activity that is reserved for members of professional associations is also strictly prohibited.

Governing bodies

Adriana Giamperoli

Board of Directors
Composed of 3 members

Adriana Giamperoli
Sandro Artina
Pier Luigi Bottino

Andrea Bolognesi