What we do Technical activities

The operational territory

Consorzio della Chiusa di Casalecchio e del Canale di Reno

The area where water is used for energy production and agriculture is below the Casalecchio Dam, located downstream from the artificial water network.

The active vectors that receive water deviated through the Casalecchio Dam are: the Reno canal, the Moline canal, the Cavaticcio canal, the Ghisiliera canal, the Lame canal and the Maglio canal.

The municipalities involved are: Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna, Castel Maggiore.

Runoff is collected in the dominant area, i.e. upstream of the artificial water network, which directly or indirectly collects (by means of the sewerage spillways) the rainwater and the so-called external water, i.e. that coming from natural watercourses, that drain into the consortium canals: Muraglie stream, Pizzacchera stream, San Luca stream, Meloncello stream, Ravone stream (partially), San Giuseppe stream, Vallescura stream, Aposa stream.

One could speak of a hydraulic defence of the area. Indeed, consider that the basins of these streams are now almost completely urbanised, and the possibility to direct large quantities of water into the canals that in turn are capable of transporting it away without causing damage greatly reduces the risk of flooding in the city. The buildings included in the area in question are thus defended by means of the waterworks set up by the consortium.

Consorzio della Chiusa di San Ruffillo e del Canale di Savena

Runoff is collected in the dominant area, i.e. upstream of the Savena canal, which directly or indirectly collects (by means of the sewerage spillways) the rainwater and the so-called external water, i.e. that coming from hillside runoff. In fact, as it is positioned the canal constitutes a natural gutter for that area.

The importance of this function has been further accentuated by the intense urbanisation that has almost completely waterproofed the area, making it more vulnerable, i.e. more in need of infrastructure capable of removing large amounts of water from heavy rainfall. The buildings in the area in question are thus defended by means of the waterworks provided by the consortium.

The area directly affected by the use of water - once extensive - has been reduced to a few hectares at the edge of the city where some horticultural and floricultural activities have survived. Indirectly, on the other hand, the water from the Savena stream, together with that of the Reno river, feed into the plain situated north of the city, transported there by the Navile and the Savena Abbandonato.

Consorzio degli Interessati nelle Acque del Canale di Savena in Bologna

Runoff is collected by the capillary system of artificial waterworks in the urban area of Bologna between the right side of the Aposa stream and the city walls.

The main vectors are the Fiaccacollo and the Sentiero. In conjunction with the sewerage system (HERA), the consortium network ensures the hydraulic efficiency of the area, which is thus protected against possible flooding caused by heavy rainfall. The buildings located within the area in question owe this optimal condition also to the consortium's water management.